401(k) Loans: Reasons to Borrow, Plus Rules and Regulations (2024)

Taking a 401(k) loan means borrowing money from your retirement savings account. It's often seen as a negative route to take since it means depleting the money you are saving and investing for your future. But, when taken in the right way—usually up to $50,000 can be borrowed and it must be repaid—your retirement savings should not be negatively impacted. Learn when you might want to borrow money from your 401(k), plus the rules and regulations to keep in mind.

Key Takeaways

  • When done for the right reasons, taking a short-term 401(k) loan and paying it back on schedule isn’t necessarily a bad idea.
  • Reasons to borrow from your 401(k) include speed and convenience, repayment flexibility, cost advantage, and potential benefits to your retirement savings in a down market.
  • Common arguments against taking a loan include a negative impact on investment performance, tax inefficiency, and that leaving a job with an unpaid loan will have undesirable consequences.
  • 401(k) loans can usually be borrowed in the amount of $50,000 or 50% of your account balance, whichever is less.
  • If you don't want to tap into your retirement savings for money, you can always look into borrowing a personal loan.

401(k) Loan Basics

Technically, 401(k) loans are not true loans, because they do not involve either a lender or an evaluation of your credit history. They are more accurately described as the ability to access a portion of your own retirement plan money—usually up to $50,000 or 50% of the assets, whichever is less—on a tax-free basis. You then must repay the money you have accessed under rules designed to restore your 401(k) plan to approximately its original state as if the transaction had not occurred.

Another confusing concept in these transactions is the term interest. Any interest charged on the outstanding loan balance is repaid by the participant into the participant's own 401(k) account, so technically, this also is a transfer from one of your pockets to another, not a borrowing expense or loss. As such, the cost of a 401(k) loan on your retirement savings progress can be minimal, neutral, or even positive. But in most cases, it will be less than the cost of paying real interest on abank or consumer loan.


While 401(k) plans are allowed to offer loans, the employer sponsoring one isn’t required to make them available to plan participants.

When a 401(k) Loan Makes Sense

When you must find the cash for a serious short-term liquidity need, a loan from your 401(k) plan probably is one of the first places you should look. Let's define short-term as being roughly a year or less. Let's define "serious liquidity need" as a serious one-time demand for funds or a lump-sum cash payment.

"Let’s face it, in the real world, sometimes people need money," said Kathryn B. Hauer, MBA, CFP, author of "Financial Advice for Blue Collar America" and a financial planner with Wilson David Investment Advisors. "Borrowing from your 401(k) can be financially smarter than taking out a cripplingly high-interest title loan, pawn, or payday loan—or even a more reasonable personal loan. It will cost you less in the long run."

Why is your 401(k) an attractive source for short-term loans? Because it can be the quickest, simplest, lowest-cost way to get the cash you need. Receiving a loan from your 401(k) is not a taxable event unless the loan limits and repayment rules are violated, and it has no impact on your credit rating.

Assuming you pay back a short-term loan on schedule, it usually will have little effect on your retirement savings progress. In fact, in some cases, it can even have a positive impact. Let's dig a little deeper to explain why.

Of course, there are also ways to prevent needing a 401(k) loan at all.

"While one's circ*mstances in taking a 401(k) loan may vary, a way to avoid the downsides of taking one in the first place is preemptive," said Mike Loo, vice president of wealth management atTrilogy Financial."If you are able to take the time to preplan, set financial goals for yourself, and commit to saving some of your money both often and early, you may find that you have the funds available to you in an account other than your 401(k), thereby preventing the need to take a 401(k) loan."

Consider all of the ways you could borrow money and compare it to a 401(k) loan. Then think about the top reasons to borrow in the first place before making your final decision.

Top 4 Reasons to Borrow from Your 401(k)

1. Speed and Convenience

In most 401(k) plans, requesting a loan is quick and easy, requiring no lengthy applications or credit checks. Normally, it does not generate an inquiry against your credit or affect your credit score.

Many 401(k)s allow loan requests to be made with a few clicks on a website, and you can have funds in your hand in a few days, with total privacy. One innovation now being adopted by some plans is a debit card, through which multiple loans can be made instantly in small amounts.

2. Repayment Flexibility

Although regulations specify a five-year amortizing repayment schedule, for most 401(k) loans, you can repay the plan loan faster with no prepayment penalty. Most plans allow loan repayment to be made conveniently through payroll deductions—using after-tax dollars, though, not the pretax ones funding your plan. Your plan statements show credits to your loan account and your remaining principal balance, just like a regular bank loan statement.

3. Cost Advantage

There is no cost (other than perhaps a modest loan origination or administration fee) to tap your own 401(k) money for short-term liquidity needs. Here's how it usually works:

You specify the investment account(s) from which you want to borrow money, and those investments are liquidated for the duration of the loan. Therefore, you lose any positive earnings that would have been produced by those investments for a short period. And if the market is down, you are selling these investments at a cheaper price than at other times. The upside is that you also avoid any further investment losses on this money.

The cost advantage of a 401(k) loan is the equivalent of the interest rate charged on a comparable consumer loan minus any lost investment earnings on the principal you borrowed. Here is a simple formula:

Cost Advantage = Cost of Consumer Loan Interest - Lost Investment Earnings

Let's say you take out a bank personal loan or take a cash advance from a credit card at an 8% interest rate. Your 401(k) portfolio is generating a 5% return.Your cost advantage for borrowing from the 401(k) plan would be 3% (8 - 5 = 3).

Whenever you can estimate that the cost advantage will be positive, a plan loan can be attractive. Keep in mind that this calculation ignores any tax impact, which can increase the plan loan's advantage because consumer loan interest is repaid with after-tax dollars.

4. Retirement Savings Can Benefit

As you make loan repayments to your 401(k) account, they usually are allocated back into your portfolio's investments. You will repay the account a bit more than you borrowed from it, and the difference is called "interest." The loan produces no (that is to say, neutral) impact on your retirement if any lost investment earnings match the "interest" paid in—earnings opportunities are offset dollar-for-dollar by interest payments.

If the interest paid exceeds any lost investment earnings, taking a 401(k) loan can actually increase your retirement savings progress. Keep in mind, however, that this will proportionally reduce your personal (non-retirement) savings.

401(k) Loans and Their Impact on Your Portfolio

The above discussion leads us to address another argument against 401(k) loans: By withdrawing funds, you'll drastically impede the performance of your portfolio and the building up of your retirement nest egg. That's not necessarily true. First of all, as noted above, you do repay the funds, and you start doing so fairly soon.Given the long-term horizon of most 401(k)s, it's a pretty small (and financially irrelevant) interval.

The other problem with the bad-impact-on-investments reasoning is that it tends to assume the same rate of return over the years and—as recent events have made stunningly clear—the stock market doesn't work like that. A growth-oriented portfolio that's weighted toward equities will have ups and downs, especially in the short term.

If your 401(k) is invested in stocks, the real impact of short-term loans on your retirement progress will depend on the current market environment. The impact should be modestly negative in strong up markets, and it can be neutral, or even positive, in sideways or down markets.

The grim but good news is that the best time to take a loan is when you feel the stock market is vulnerable or weakening, such as during recessions. Coincidentally, many people find that they need funds to stay liquid during such periods.


The percentage of 401(k) participants with outstanding plan loans in 2020 (latest information), according to a study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Debunking 401(k) Loan Myths With Facts

There are two other common arguments against 401(k) loans: The loans are not tax-efficient and they create enormous headaches when participants can't pay them off before leaving work or retiring. Let's confront these myths with facts:

Tax Inefficiency

The claim is that 401(k) loans are tax-inefficient because they must be repaid with after-tax dollars, subjecting loan repayment to double taxation. Only the interest portion of the repayment is subject to such treatment. The cost of double taxation on loan interest is often fairly small, compared with the cost of alternative ways to tap short-term liquidity.

Here is a hypothetical situation that is too often very real: Suppose Jane makes steady retirement savings progress by deferring 7% of her salary into her 401(k). However, she will soon need to tap $10,000 to meet a college tuition bill. She anticipates that she can repay this money from her salary in about a year. She is in a 20% combined federal and state tax bracket. Here are three ways she can tap the cash:

  • Borrow from her 401(k) at an "interest rate" of 4%. Her cost of double-taxation on the interest is $80 ($10,000 loan x 4% interest x 20% tax rate).
  • Borrow from the bank at a real interest rate of 8%. Her interest cost will be $800.
  • Stop making 401(k) plan deferrals for a year and use this money to pay her college tuition. In this case, she will lose real retirement savings progress, pay higher current income tax, and potentially lose any employer-matching contributions. The cost could easily be $1,000 or more.

Double taxation of 401(k) loan interest becomes a meaningful cost only when large amounts are borrowed and then repaid over multi-year periods. Even then, it usually has a lower cost than alternative means of accessing similar amounts of cash through bank/consumer loans or a hiatus in plan deferrals.

Leaving Work With an Unpaid Loan

Suppose you take a plan loan and then lose your job. You will have to repay the loan in full. If you don't, the full unpaid loan balance will be considered a taxable distribution, and you could also face a 10% federal tax penalty on the unpaid balance if you are under age 59½. While this scenario is an accurate description of tax law, it doesn't always reflect reality.

At retirement or separation from employment, many people often choose to take part of their 401(k) money as a taxable distribution, especially if they are cash-strapped. Having an unpaid loan balance has similar tax consequences to making this choice.

People who want to avoid negative tax consequences can tap other sources to repay their 401(k) loans before taking a distribution. If they do so, the full plan balance can qualify for a tax-advantaged transfer or rollover. If an unpaid loan balance is included in the participant's taxable income and the loan is subsequently repaid, the 10% penalty does not apply.

The more serious problem is to take 401(k) loans while working without having the intent or ability to repay them on schedule. In this case, the unpaid loan balance is treated similarly to a hardship withdrawal, with negative tax consequences and perhaps also an unfavorable impact on plan participation rights.

401(k) Loans to Purchase a Home

Regulations require 401(k) plan loans to be repaid on an amortizing basis (that is, with a fixed repayment schedule in regular installments) over not more than five years unless the loan is used to purchase a primary residence. Longer payback periods are allowed for these particular loans. The IRS doesn't specify how long, though, so it's something to work out with your plan administrator.

Borrowing from a 401(k) to completely finance a residential purchase may not be as attractive as taking out a mortgage loan. Plan loans do not offer tax deductions for interest payments, as do most types of mortgages. And, while withdrawing and repaying within five years is fine in the usual scheme of 401(k) things, the impact on your retirement progress for a loan that has to be paid back over many years can be significant.

However, a 401(k) loan might work well if you need immediate funds to cover the down payment or closing costs for a home. It won't affect your ability to qualify for a mortgage, either. Since the 401(k) loan isn't technically a debt—you're withdrawing your own money, after all—it has no effect on your debt-to-income ratio or on your credit score, two big factors that influence lenders.

If you do need a sizable sum to purchase a house and want to use 401(k) funds, you might consider a hardship withdrawal instead of, or in addition to, the loan. But you will owe income tax on the withdrawal and if the amount is more than $10,000, a 10% penalty as well.

How Much Can I Borrow from My 401(k)?

In general, you can usually borrow up to $50,000 or 50% of the assets in your 401(k) account, whichever is less, and within a 12-month period. If your vested account balance is less than $10,000, you can still borrow up to $10,000. Keep in mind that plan sponsors are not required to provide 401(k) loans, so not all plans offer them.

Is Taking a 401(k) Loan a Good Idea?

Taking a 401(k) loan may be a good idea under the right circ*mstances. A 401(k) loan can offer a solution if you need funds for the short term, such as paying for an unexpected expense. The key is short-term, such as a year or less, and paying back the loan on schedule.

How Do I Repay a 401(k) Loan?

Like 401(k) contributions, loan repayments are typically made through payroll deductions. In general, a 401(k) loan must be paid back within five years, unless the funds are used to purchase a home. In that case, you have longer. You can also pay back the loan sooner without being subject to prepayment penalties.

The Bottom Line

Arguments that 401(k) loans are bad for retirement accounts often include two flaws: They assume constantly strong stock market returns in the 401(k) portfolio, and they fail to consider the interest cost of borrowing similar amounts via a bank or other consumer loans (such as racking up credit card balances).

Don't be scared away from a valuable liquidity option embedded in your 401(k) plan. When you lendyourself appropriate amounts of money for the right short-term reasons, these transactions can be the simplest, most convenient, and lowest-cost source of cash available. Before taking any loan, you should always have a clear plan in mind for repaying these amounts on schedule or earlier.

401(k) Loans: Reasons to Borrow, Plus Rules and Regulations (2024)


401(k) Loans: Reasons to Borrow, Plus Rules and Regulations? ›

Reasons to borrow from your 401(k) include speed and convenience, repayment flexibility, cost advantage, and potential benefits to your retirement savings in a down market.

What is a good reason to borrow from a 401k? ›

Reasons to borrow from your 401(k) include speed and convenience, repayment flexibility, cost advantage, and potential benefits to your retirement savings in a down market.

What are the current rules for borrowing from a 401k? ›

The maximum amount a participant may borrow from his or her plan is 50% of his or her vested account balance or $50,000, whichever is less. An exception to this limit is if 50% of the vested account balance is less than $10,000: in such case, the participant may borrow up to $10,000.

What are 2 reasons for why you should take advantage of your company's 401 K plan if offered? ›

5 benefits of a 401(k) plan
  • Tax advantages. Contributions to a traditional 401(k) are taken directly out of your paycheck before federal income taxes are withheld. ...
  • You are in control. ...
  • Time is on your side. ...
  • You can take it with you. ...
  • Easy payroll deductions.

Why won't my 401k let me take a loan? ›

Some of the reasons why you can't borrow from your 401(k) include lack of spousal consent, you are nearing retirement, you have exhausted your 401(k) loan limit, you are no longer working for the employer, or if your job position is at risk due to ongoing restructuring.

Why do I have to give a reason to withdraw from 401k? ›

If your account provider permits you to take out funds, you'll have to show that you don't have other available funds to cover the expenses. A qualifying financial need doesn't have to be unexpected. An expense may be considered immediate and heavy even if it is an event you had knowledge of or voluntarily pursued.

What qualifies for a 401k withdrawal? ›

The IRS considers immediate and heavy financial need for hardship withdrawal: medical expenses, the prevention of foreclosure or eviction, tuition payments, funeral expenses, costs (excluding mortgage payments) related to purchase and repair of primary residence, and expenses and losses resulting from a federal ...

What are the reasons for 401k hardship withdrawal? ›

For example, some 401(k) plans may allow a hardship distribution to pay for your, your spouse's, your dependents' or your primary plan beneficiary's: medical expenses, funeral expenses, or. tuition and related educational expenses.

What proof do you need for a hardship withdrawal? ›

The administrator will likely require you to provide evidence of the hardship, such as medical bills or a notice of eviction.

What is the 4 rule for 401k withdrawal? ›

The 4% rule is a popular retirement withdrawal strategy that suggests retirees can safely withdraw the amount equal to 4% of their savings during the year they retire and then adjust for inflation each subsequent year for 30 years.

What's the primary reason that a person would contribute money to a 401(k)? ›

401(k)s offer workers a lot of benefits, including tax breaks, employer matches, high contribution limits, contribution potential at an older age, and shelter from creditors.

Can an employer take back their 401k match? ›

Your employer can take back its 401(k) match if the funds haven't fully vested. For example, if your company uses a five-year graded vesting schedule (meaning matching funds would gradually vest over five years) and you left after three years, you'd be 60% vested.

At what age is 401k withdrawal tax free? ›

Once you reach 59½, you can take distributions from your 401(k) plan without being subject to the 10% penalty. However, that doesn't mean there are no consequences. All withdrawals from your 401(k), even those taken after age 59½, are subject to ordinary income taxes.

How do you get approved for a 401k loan? ›

Steps to get a 401(k) loan
  1. Talk to your employer. ...
  2. Consider the terms. ...
  3. Complete the required paperwork. ...
  4. Receive the funds. ...
  5. Make regular payments on the loan. ...
  6. Continue regular 401(k) contributions.

Do 401k loans ever get denied? ›

You may face a denial: If you are nearing retirement, you may be deemed a higher risk and thus denied a loan because payments will no longer automatically come out of your paycheck.

Why you should not borrow from 401k? ›

You're missing out on investment growth

If you've borrowed for the maximum term allowed — five years (longer if you use it to purchase a home) — all that inactivity can make a hefty dent in your retirement savings from which it can be difficult to recover.

What is the downside of borrowing from 401k? ›

You're missing out on investment growth

When you reduce the balance of your 401(k) account, you have less money growing along with potential gains in the market. In addition, some 401(k) plans have terms that prevent you from being able to make further contributions until the loan is repaid.

Is it smart to borrow from a 401k to pay off debt? ›

If you have a high-interest debt, such as from a credit card with a big balance, you may get a much lower interest rate on a 401(k) loan. If you have upcoming debt payments and no other alternatives for paying them, borrowing from your 401(k) can reduce fees and penalties.

Is it better to take out a loan or withdrawal from a 401k? ›

Overall, you should only take on a loan from your 401(k) if you have exhausted all other funding options because taking money out of your 401(k) means you're hindering it from the most growth over time. You'll be missing out on the power of compound interest when you take money out of your retirement account.

How do I avoid 20% tax on my 401k withdrawal? ›

Deferring Social Security payments, rolling over old 401(k)s, setting up IRAs to avoid the mandatory 20% federal income tax, and keeping your capital gains taxes low are among the best strategies for reducing taxes on your 401(k) withdrawal.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.