17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (2024)

Last year our travel family visited Fiji for a month. During this time we found that there are many ways to save money when you are travelling in Fiji. Here’s the background. My wifes parents are born and raised in Fiji and they gave us a lot of insider tips that we want to share with you, along with the things we learned on our own. Fiji is a small cluster of island located in Polynesia. It is one of the most beautiful places in the entire world, but it can get very expensive to travel to. Here are the tips that will help you save money in Fiji.

The 17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji

  1. Eat at Local Restaurants

    When we travel to any country, we always try to immerse ourselves in the local cultures. One of the best ways to do this is to eat like the locals, with the locals. Not only will you get an experience you won’t forget but you will also save a lot of money as the hotels in Fiji are very expensive. To save money on food in Fiji you should try to have as many of your meals as you can off resort at local restaurants.

    17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (1)


  2. Buy Alcohol from Local Liquor Stores

    Booze is expensive in the hotels in Fiji. We bought our liquor from local liquor stores. Bottles of wine were at least 70% off the price of the hotel and the beer was even cheaper. My favourite local Fijian beer was called Fiji Gold.

    17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (2)


  3. Hire a Driver for the Day

    We wanted to explore around safely, so we opted to hire a driver for a day. When you do this, you can negotiate with them. The hotels will also get you a driver for the day, but this ruins any possible negotiation. If you are staying on the private island Denarau, they don’t even let in local taxi’s. So All of the rates are highly inflated. We befriended a taxi driver we met at the airport. He gave us amazing rates for day trips and we set it up with Denarau security that he could pick us up and drop us off. The best part of working with this guy is that he knew every area really well and acted as our tour guide for the day. Total cost of this including gas was around $70 per day.

    17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (3)


  4. Do your own Excursions

    One of the best ways to save money in Fiji is to do your own excursions. We made a list of the things we really wanted to do and hired a driver to take us to these locations. This saved us at least 50% of the cost of a regular tour. We were also able to cover way more ground in that we did multiple things in a day. This gave us more time to relax on other days of the trip.

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  5. Negotiate when you buy anything

    Most of the stores in Nadi and Suva have inflated prices on tagged items in the store. When tourist enter the shop they often pay the tag price. This is a scam, they will negotiate with you up to 70% off. We wanted to buy some tee-shirts and one store was charging $25 USD, I kept telling the guy in the store no and he kept bringing down his price. Most of the things they sell will be in multiple stores, so you can price shop. I found for souvenirs Jacks was the best shop with the largest selection. Their prices we already at a low price. Coming from western civilization I preferred this .

    17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (5)


  6. Buy from Duty Free

    Duty free is a sure thing. You will always get a good price on liquor and Tobacco products here.

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  7. Pay in Fiji Dollars

    Paying in the local currency is the best way to pay in Fiji. If you pay in any other type of currency they will charge you large fee’s in exchange.

  8. Ask tour companies if they have discounts

    Book tour in advance, send the tour companies an email asking for a discount and commit how many people will be going. I send them emails stating how many members, mentioning that I will be putting their tour on social media. I usually get up to 40% off because of this.

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  9. Pre Plan Your Days

    If you pre plan your days, you will save money on expenses that just come up. For example one day I chose to go to the mud pools outside of Nadi, the sleeping giant mountain and the secret garden. To fit this all in one day, I asked my family to be ready for 7am. I pre-organized my ride so that I knew exactly how much my transportation cost was going to be. We were able to complete all of this in one day. If we were not this organized, this would have taken 3 day thereby costing more in transportation, and food. Use this handy Adventugo planner if you like, it’s free.


  10. Bring a fishing Rod

    I always bring a collapsible fishing rod with me on every vacation. It cost me nothing, and it is a fun thing to do for an entire family. This also saves me from getting the urge to pay for an expensive fishing charter. To Fish in the Fiji Islands you do not need a fishing license.

    17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (10)


  11. Bring Snorkel Gear

    If you bring your own snorkel gear, you will probably never pay for a snorkelling tour again. Why would you ever pay for a tour when you can do something for free. You will also save on renting the equipment multiple times on a trip. Snorkelling is a fun activity that most people fall in love with. usually when we are away we will google the best spots to snorkel in X, that will tell us where the tour companies take you. If you want to try snorkelling for the first time, or even improve you should read how to snorkel like a pro snorkelling tips and warnings.

    17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (11)


  12. Hike and Explore on your own

    Fiji is a very safe place to explore, so safe in fact that the police don’t even carry guns! The Fijian people are family people are are very happy. Hiking is an exciting way for you to explore the islands at no cost. Some of the best pictures you will get, will be when you are hiking and exploring. What type of hidden gems will you find today?

    17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (12)


  13. Travel In Low Season

    Fiji has great weather year round, however there is a rainy season. The rainy season is called low season and tourism drops significantly at this time. The hotels, hostels and tour companies will have major discounts during this time. Just because it is called a rainy season does not mean it will rain the entire time. Fiji is a tropical country so the sun is out every day!

    17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (13)


  14. Stock your hotel room with food

    We have a family of four and saving money when we travel is very important. As much as I love to go out for breakfast, when we do long haul travel we usually do not eat out for breakfast much. To save money we go to local grocery stores and markets (which is a great experience in itself), and buy fruit, soups, snacks, noodles and other things we can eat and prepeare in our room. We also buy lots of water and juice at the store. When you leave the room you should have a large water bottle always full and any other snacks you want to bring. You will save a lot of money if you do this.

  15. Take South Sea Cruises to visit the Fiji islands

    There are many operators and private boats and tours that can take you to the beautiful surrounding islands in Fiji. The largest and least expensive is south sea cruises. Instead of paying a tour company to take you to the islands, you can take South sea cruises. They have a drop off and pickup schedule and their boats run multiple times a day. This will also give you the freedom to do what you want, when you want.

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Common Questions About Saving money on Fiji Travel/FAQ’s

    • Is it safe to Eat at Local Fijian Restaurants?

      Yes, it is safe to eat at local Fijian restaurants. Before you decide to eat somewhere, you should always do your research before you go. I check reviews before I eat at any restaurant. In Fiji there is not a major authority checking restaurant cleanliness and best practices so you have to be careful. The last thing you need on your vacation is travellers diarrhea or any other type of bug. Nandi and Suva have some really nice restaurants you can go to that are clean and air conditioned!

      17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (16)


    • Should I rent a car in Fiji?

      Car rentals in Fiji are expensive, sometimes costing as much as you hiring a driver for the day. The driving rules vary in every country, if you do rent a car make sure you know their rules. Hiring a driver comes with other benefits, they know where to go and what is good to see. The driver we had on the last trip recommended things to do. He was very friendly and knew all of the hot spots and must do things in Fiji. He helped us save a lot of money by taking us to the stores and markets with the best prices and reasonably priced restaurants. Fiji is a third world country, you always have to be careful not to get scammed!

    • Where should I exchange my money in Fiji?

      You can exchange your money at local banks. They also do this right in the airport. Check the exchange rates online before you exchange your money. Some places will scam you if they can.

      17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (17)


    • Are Fiji Hotels Cheap?

      No the hotels in Fiji are not cheap, but they do have a price range for everyone. Popular hostels starting as low as $15/night and luxury accommodations costing $1000/night. If you travel in low season the prices are cut dramatically.

      17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (18)


    • Are Hostels in Fiji cheap?

      Hostels everywhere are cheap. There are loads of backpackers that love to travel to Fiji. You can look into hostels at hostelworld.com

      17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (19)


    • How Do you say thank you in Fijian?

      Thank you in Fijian is vinaka. This is very important to know as Fijians are very polite people.

      17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (20)


    • How do you say good morning in Fijian?

      Usually in the mornings in Fiji, you will be greeted by someone saying Bula. Just say Bula back and you are good.

    • What does Bula mean?

Bula is a word used to say hello. This is the most common word you will hear in Fiji.

17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (21)


  • Should I do the village tour?

    The village tours are a great experience and it supports the local villages economically. This is a must do tour when you visit Fiji.

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    Map of Fiji

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17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (24)


My name is Sean Rampersaud, my family and I are travelling the world writing and taking video of our experiences. My wife is Radika and my 2 kids are Rayden and Natasha. We want to help improve our readers lives in some way and have a large private group of travellers we like to work with. You can join our group by leaving your email. We are always looking for suggestions or questions you might have so that we can help our community. Please comment below if you have any questions and Join Us on our world Adventures. Our travels are partially funded by us providing our readers ads with travel related material that we get a small commission for. We only provide the highest quality companies and products. If you found this informative please share it. We provide our community free travel tools that will make your lives way easier when you travel including free travel plans, and a custom itinerary builder! We also bring you the latest travel deals including car rental and flights for your location. Join us today.


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17 Smart Ways to Save Money In Fiji | Fiji Travel Warnings (2024)


What should I be cautious of in Fiji? ›

There are risks of leptospirosis and mosquito-borne illnesses in Fiji. Make sure your vaccinations are up-to-date. Protect yourself against mosquito bites. Stay away from flooded rivers or creeks and wear footwear when outside.

When not to go to Fiji? ›

Good and bad weather in Fiji is then determined by the wet and dry season, meaning how much rainfall you're likely to get each month. The best time to Fiji for clear blue skies is from May through to September. October through to April make up the wet season which is also the time of year most at risk of cyclone.

How much money should I save to go to Fiji? ›

A one week trip to Fiji usually costs around $1,197 (FJ$2,714) for one person and $2,394 (FJ$5,429) for two people. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing. A two week trip to Fiji on average costs around $2,394 (FJ$5,429) for one person and $4,788 (FJ$10,857) for two people.

What are the best months to go to Fiji? ›

Fiji is a year-round destination with warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine throughout the year. The most popular time to visit is between May and October when the weather is at its best – think blue skies, low humidity and little rain.

Is it safe to walk around Nadi, Fiji? ›

Safety at night:Moderate

Nadi is generally moderate when it comes to safety at night. As long as you stick to well-lit and busy areas, it is usually fine. However, it's best to avoid walking alone late at night in deserted places, especially if you're a solo female traveler.

Can you brush your teeth with tap water in Fiji? ›

The tap water in Fiji isn't recommended for drinking, so stick to sealed bottled water. Avoiding tap water includes more than you might think, such as brushing your teeth with tap water, ice in drinks, ingesting water in the shower, and food that has been washed in tap water.

Where to avoid in Fiji? ›

Fiji is generally a safe place to travel. However, visitors to Fiji may fall victim to petty crimes such as theft or ATM skimming. Avoid walking alone at night in urban areas, particularly downtown Suva, lock your car if you have one and keep expensive valuables out of sight.

Is Fiji safe for American tourists? ›

US State Dept Travel Advisory

The US State Department currently recommends US citizens exercise normal precautions in Fiji. Some areas have increased risks.

What is the best way to pay for things in Fiji? ›

EFTPOS is widely accepted across Fiji. However, many smaller towns and villages rely on cash, so we recommend having some Fijian dollars handy, just in case.

Should I exchange money before I travel to Fiji? ›

You'll need to have some cash in Fiji, so you can exchange in advance or make an ATM withdrawal on arrival at the airport. Using an ATM can also be cheaper than advance exchange, particularly if you have a travel card from a provider like Wise or Revolut.

Do you haggle in Fiji? ›

Haggling can be a common practice in some parts of the world, but it's not always appropriate in Fiji. While negotiating prices is acceptable in certain situations, such as when purchasing from local markets, it's essential to do so with respect and courtesy.

How many days in Fiji is enough? ›

Come for at least a week – the longer the better

If you plan to visit just one or two areas of Fiji, a week is enough time to have a balance of sightseeing and relaxing. If you hope to see more, you'll lose at least half a day in transit whenever you island hop.

Which month is coldest in Fiji? ›

There is very little change in the average temperature in Fiji throughout the year, with summer and winter temperatures varying by only between 2°C and 4°C. The coolest months are July and August and the warmest months are January and February.

What is hurricane season in Fiji? ›

While the TC season in the region is between November and April, occasionally cyclones have formed in October and May and rarely in September and June.

What are the biggest health issues in Fiji? ›

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancers which are often expensive to treat have become prevalent in Fiji. Fiji also faces some important public financing challenges.

What is the risk of Fiji? ›

Fiji's risk level is medium when assessing the potential humanitarian impacts of Covid-19 in combination with other pre-existing crisis risks. due to high exposure to extreme natural events and sea-level rise. (environment, gender and social inclusion, culture, disaster risk reduction, etc.)

What is the etiquette in Fiji? ›

In Fiji, it's usual to shake hands and say “bula” while greeting someone (hello). Another crucial aspect of respecting elders is to slightly bow your head. Extensive greetings: People frequently enquire about your family, your health, and your well-being in Fiji, where pleasantries may be rather long.

What are the natural hazards in Fiji? ›

Cyclones frequently result in loss of life and cause significant economic damage which has hindered economic growth. Fiji is also particularly exposed to rising sea-levels, floods, and landslides.

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