Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (2024)

While a tattoo can be as thought-out or frivolous as you want, getting a meaningful piece is a great way to honor something important to you. A design with meaning adds another layer of personalization, making it a genuinely unique tattoo no matter how popular the symbol. And considering a tattoo will be with you forever (or until you remove it), a meaningful choice means you’ll enjoy the reminder of what it represents every time you look at it. One popular meaningful tattoo design is the semicolon, which has come to be a major symbol of mental health and resilience over the years. Ahead, we dive into the meaning of semicolon tattoos plus share 24 stunning examples to fit every aesthetic.

What Does a Semicolon Tattoo Mean?

In the context of grammar, a semicolon is used to combine two complete sentences that are related. In other words, a semicolon means that the thought is not quite over even though the sentence is—there’s still more to come. That sentiment is the ethos of Project Semicolon, a nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness about mental health, self-harm, suicide, and addiction.

While you don’t have to get a semicolon tattoo because of its meaning, many people do so to honor someone—whether that’s a friend, a relative, or themselves—or to raise general awareness. A semicolon tattoo is more than just a visual representation; it's often a conversation starter, so you can spread the word while rocking your cool tat.

The semicolon’s flexibility as a design has made the symbol a popular tattoo choice, and it's led to tons of beautifully customized pieces of ink. If you’re considering a semicolon tattoo, see 24 ways to personalize the design below.

The Best Semicolon Tattoo Inspiration

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Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (1)

This design uses a semicolon as the body of a butterfly, with wings attached. The symbolic message offers a lesson on beginnings, ends, and new life.

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Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (2)

This dainty design offers the subtlest nod at the meaningful trend. Placement on the wrist is traditional for semicolon tattoos, making this one a classic.

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Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (3)

This style puts a sweet twist on the traditional semicolon, pairing a heart with a comma beneath. This offers extra symbolism for those who get the art in honor of a loved one.

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Placement on the wrist and black ink make this a classic take on semicolon tattoo art.

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A subtle sun design takes the place of the traditional period in this semicolon design. The sun adds the extra symbolism of dawn and new beginnings.

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Brush Strokes

This bold style eschews the standard dot and comma for a wide, brush-stroke-like take on the trend. It looks great in black but could work with a wide variety of other hues, as well.

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Back of the Neck

Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (4)

The back of the neck is a prime spot for a tattoo like this one, where the symbolism is only noticeable when you choose to pull your hair up to show it off.

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Purple and Blue

The stunning, ombré shades of purple and blue here add a fun hint of personality to classic semicolon art.

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Flower Branch

Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (5)

Why settle for one design when you could have two you love? This style features both a striking floral brand and a semicolon—so you get the best of both worlds.

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Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (6)

This strip of color is bold and beautiful, with blues and deep greens throughout. The semicolon offers the juxtaposition of a bright white border to help the design (and its meaning) stand out.

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Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (7)

This series of rainbow dots is both striking and symbolic, with each grammatical nod offering a different point of view. The choice to make the final purple one into a semicolon helps communicate the message that your story is never truly over.

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This design offers a double meaning: the semicolon to raise awareness for suicide prevention, and an arrow to represent that the wearer will continue on.

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A truly unique take on the semicolon, this style features a mermaid and flower moon comprising the symbol. The colors and bold design make this one a showstopper.

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Here, the semicolon stands in for an "i" in the word "warrior." The message and the symbol signify remaining steadfast against opposition.

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Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (8)

At first glance, this simple design appears to be nothing more than a sunflower, but upon further inspection, you'll notice a semicolon takes residence within the flower's stem.

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Abstract Butterfly

Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (9)

Butterflies are a popular semicolon design, but we like how this one is done in simple black ink, with the added twist of an abstract shape.

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Beating Heart

An anatomical heart tops a semicolon here for a "heartfelt" take on the trend. You could pair nearly any clip art with a semicolon, though the heart makes it extra symbolic.

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Paint Splatter

This paint splatter design draws extra attention to the semicolon and allows the wearer to rock all their favorite hues of the rainbow.

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Earth and Asteroid

Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (10)

This Big Bang-themed design sees a dinosaur-laden Earth colliding with an asteroid. Together, the shapes mimic a semicolon, but with a fun, cartoonish twist.

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Thin Line

Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (11)

This simple and elegant take on the look utilizes just two thin lines, but the varying colors (red and black) offer a complementary and more impactful design.

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Flock of Birds

Here, the top of the semicolon tattoo breaks off into a flock of birds. The message is one of freedom and continuation.

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Here, a semicolon gets topped with a tiny cat head. This is perfect for cat lovers, but you can also adjust it to feature another shape, depending on your interests.

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Sentence Fragment

Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (12)

Some of the more touching semicolon tattoo designs are those that feature the semicolon at the end of a sentence to signify—as this design does—that your story isn't over.

Semicolon Tattoos Are a Simple But Meaningful Choice—See 24 Stunning Examples (2024)
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