Resultados de la Lotería de Texas Powerball (2024)

Números ganadores

  • 18253140574
  • x3

Desglose del Premio


Con Multiplicador

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '-999','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'No hay ganador','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '0','GuessCountToDisplay': '

5+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953869','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 1000000.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 1.000.000

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '1.000.000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 2.000.000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '2.000.000','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5953870','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 50000.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 50.000

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '50.000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 150.000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '150.000','GuessCountToDisplay': '

4+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953871','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 100.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 100

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '100','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 300','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '300','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5953872','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 100.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 100

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '100','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 300','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '300','GuessCountToDisplay': '

3+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953873','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 7.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 7

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '7','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 21','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '21','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5953874','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 7.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 7

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '7','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 21','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '21','GuessCountToDisplay': '

2+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953875','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 4.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 4

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '4','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 12','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '12','GuessCountToDisplay': '

1+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953876','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 4.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 4

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '4','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 12','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '12','GuessCountToDisplay': '

0+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953877','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'}],rowNum: 1000,gridComplete:function(){var $grid = $(this);var getEvents = $._data($grid[0], 'events'); if (getEvents && getEvents.contextmenu && getEvents.contextmenu.length === 1) { var orgContextmenu = getEvents.contextmenu[0].handler; $grid.unbind('contextmenu', orgContextmenu); $grid.bind('contextmenu', function(e) { var oldmultiselect = this.p.multiselect, result; this.p.multiselect = true; result =, e); this.p.multiselect = oldmultiselect; return result; }); }$('#lotteryResultsGrid_jqGrid_rn').addClass('hideRightBorder');$grid.attr("gridcompleted", "true")},loadComplete:function(){$(this).trigger('loadComplete'); },});$('#lotteryResultsGrid_jqGrid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#lotteryResultsGrid_jqPager', {edit: false, add: false, del: false, excel: false, search: false , refresh: false});var cm = $('#lotteryResultsGrid_jqGrid')[0].p.colModel;$.each($('#lotteryResultsGrid_jqGrid')[0].grid.headers, function(index, value) {var cmi = cm[index], colName =;if(!cmi.sortable && colName!=='rn' && colName!=='cb' && colName!=='subgrid') {$('div.ui-jqgrid-sortable',value.el).css({cursor:'default'});}});});

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '0','GuessCountToDisplay': '

5+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953869','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 1000000.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 1.000.000','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '1.000.000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 2.000.000

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '2.000.000','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5953870','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 50000.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 50.000','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '50.000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 150.000

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '150.000','GuessCountToDisplay': '

4+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953871','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 100.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 100','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '100','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 300

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '300','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5953872','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 100.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 100','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '100','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 300

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '300','GuessCountToDisplay': '

3+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953873','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 7.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 7','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '7','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 21

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '21','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5953874','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 7.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 7','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '7','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 21

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '21','GuessCountToDisplay': '

2+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953875','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 4.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 4','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '4','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 12

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '12','GuessCountToDisplay': '

1+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953876','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '360665','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 4.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 4','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '4','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 12

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '12','GuessCountToDisplay': '

0+1 Powerball

','Id': '5953877','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','DateModified': '21/07/2024 12:47:49','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'}],rowNum: 1000,gridComplete:function(){var $grid = $(this);var getEvents = $._data($grid[0], 'events'); if (getEvents && getEvents.contextmenu && getEvents.contextmenu.length === 1) { var orgContextmenu = getEvents.contextmenu[0].handler; $grid.unbind('contextmenu', orgContextmenu); $grid.bind('contextmenu', function(e) { var oldmultiselect = this.p.multiselect, result; this.p.multiselect = true; result =, e); this.p.multiselect = oldmultiselect; return result; }); }$('#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqGrid_rn').addClass('hideRightBorder');$grid.attr("gridcompleted", "true")$('#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqGrid_LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay').addClass('last');OnGridCompleteClientScript(this,true,"objects/dm.tlo?id=31639")},loadComplete:function(){$(this).trigger('loadComplete'); },});$('#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqGrid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqPager', {edit: false, add: false, del: false, excel: false, search: false , refresh: false});var cm = $('#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqGrid')[0].p.colModel;$.each($('#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqGrid')[0].grid.headers, function(index, value) {var cmi = cm[index], colName =;if(!cmi.sortable && colName!=='rn' && colName!=='cb' && colName!=='subgrid') {$('div.ui-jqgrid-sortable',value.el).css({cursor:'default'});}});});

Información sobre la lotería

Rango de Acierto 5/69 + Powerball 1/26
Premios del Multiplicador Duplique el premio de segunda división en $2 millones o multiplique los premios de la tercera a la novena división hasta 10 veces, según el tamaño del premio mayor y el número de Power Play sorteado.
Ofrecido en Texas, EEUU
Horario (Hora local)
Tipo de Premio Mayor Al contado

Probabilidades de ganar

Acierto Probabilidades de ganar
5+1 Powerball1:292.201.338
4+1 Powerball1:913.129
3+1 Powerball1:14.494
2+1 Powerball1:701
1+1 Powerball1:92
0+1 Powerball1:38

Resultados de la Lotería de Texas Powerball (1)

¿Ha ganado al Powerball de la Lotería de Texas?

Para ver si usted es un ganador del Powerball, verifique los números ganadores después de que se anuncien los últimos resultados del sorteo del Powerball. ¡Si ha acertado los 6 números (5 números principales + el Powerball), será el próximo ganador del premio mayor del Powerball! Como todos sabemos, no todos ganan el premio mayor, por eso esta increíblemente gratificante lotería tiene 8 divisiones de premios adicionales para ganar. ¡Son 8 posibilidades adicionales de ser un ganador del Powerball! ¡Vea más resultados online de la lotería en theLotter Texas!

Resultados de la Lotería de Texas Powerball (2)

Obtenga notificaciones gratuitas de los resultados del Powerball de Texas

Además de ofrecerle los últimos resultados de la lotería, theLotter Texas también ofrece un servicio de notificación GRATUITO para todos sus clientes. Esta función le notificará acerca de sus ganancias del Powerball a través de SMS y correo electrónico. ¡Esta increíble característica hace accesible y fácil descubrir si ha ganado algún premio del Powerball! ¡Regístrese a través de su cuenta personal para recibir notificaciones de todas sus ganancias de lotería!

Resultados de la Lotería de Texas Powerball (3)

Grandes ganadores del Powerball de Texas

El mayor premio de Powerball jamás ganado por un boleto comprado en Texas fue reclamado por TL Management Trust el 11 de febrero de 2015, compartiendo un premio mayor de $564 millones con otros dos afortunados ganadores. ¡Este sorteo fue el quinto premio más grande en la historia de los EE.UU.! En noviembre de 2022, Powerball rompió su propio récord del premio mayor más grande de la historia cuando otorgó un premio mayor de $2.04 mil millones a un único boleto ganador comprado en California.

Resultados de la Lotería de Texas Powerball (4)

Números fríos y calientes del Powerball

Las loterías afirman que los números ganadores se eligen totalmente al azar. Entonces, ¿cómo es que parece haber algunos números que se eligen con más frecuencia que otros? Este fenómeno se llama números fríos y calientes. Los números calientes son los que se eligen con mayor frecuencia, mientras que los números fríos son los que rara vez se extraen.

¿Qué pasa con el Powerball? El Powerball, al igual que otras loterías, cuenta con una lista de números calientes que a menudo aparecen en los boletos ganadores. ¿Se sortearán nuevamente en el próximo sorteo o, por lo contrario, serán los números fríos los que ganen el gran premio dado que hace mucho que no se seleccionan?

Descubra todo acerca de los números fríos y calientes del Powerball y obtenga una idea de cómo elegir sus números la próxima vez que compre un boleto de Powerball.

Resultados de la Lotería de Texas Powerball (2024)


How many numbers do you need to win anything on Powerball? ›

How many Powerball numbers do you need to win a prize? You only need to match one number in Powerball to win a prize. However, that number must be the Powerball worth $4. Visit for the entire prize chart.

Was there a winner in Powerball last night? ›

There was no jackpot winner in California for this draw. But there are 32,795 winning tickets! Get your ticket for the next draw.

How much are Texas Powerball tickets? ›


QUICKTICKETs are available at $4 (2 plays) and $10 (5 plays) for both Powerball and Mega Millions. All plays are Cash Value Option.

How do I check if I won anything on Powerball? ›

Enter your numbers and a date range to see if those numbers have been drawn. Only number combinations that would have won a prize will be shown. Please provide a valid number in each field, 1-69 or 1-26 for the Powerball. Please provide unique numbers in each white field.

Does 2 numbers in Powerball win any money? ›

Match 2 white numbers + Powerball — $7. Match 1 white number + Powerball — $4. Powerball only — $4.

Does 3 numbers win anything in Powerball? ›

The odds of getting three correct numbers are a bit better at 579 to 1, but you only take home another $7.

Did anyone win Powerball 4 6 24? ›

4/6/24 lottery jackpot results. Yes. One winning ticket purchased in Oregon won the April 6 Powerball drawing.

Who won the 150 million? ›

An Adelaide man has claimed a $150 million Powerball jackpot, becoming Australia's biggest individual lottery winner. The middle-aged man contacted lottery officials on Friday morning, saying he hadn't slept all night because he "kept checking the ticket".

What is the next Powerball drawing? ›

Powerball drawings are held three times a week, every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 10:59 p.m. ET.

Can you buy Powerball tickets with a debit card in Texas? ›

The State Lottery Act prohibits purchase of tickets by credit or with Food Stamps. Retailers, at their own discretion, may accept a check for tickets. Retailers can accept a debit card for payment.

How many numbers do you need to win a prize in Texas Powerball? ›

Powerball Winning Details* (Texas Winners Only)
Number CorrectPrize AmountTotal2 Prize w/Power Play
5 of 5$1,000,000$2,000,000
4 of 5 w/Powerball$50,000$150,000
4 of 5$100$300
3 of 5 w/Powerball$100$300
6 more rows

What to do if you win the lottery in Texas? ›

We recommend that players contact the Texas Lottery® claim center in their area, or call 800-375-6886, for hours of operation and to be certain they have all the necessary information prior to traveling to Austin or any Texas Lottery claim center. Please allow 4-8 weeks for claims that are mailed in to be processed.

How do I know if I won the lottery? ›

The California Lottery Mobile App is a “must have” for any Lottery fan! Scan any ticket to see if you are a winner and how much you won. Scan your eligible ticket codes to enter weekly 2nd Chance draws for over $200,000 in cash prizes. Check winning numbers and jackpot amounts for any Draw game.

What days is the Texas Powerball drawing? ›

Powerball drawings are held each Monday, Wednesday and Saturday and the sales time cut off time in Texas is 9:00 p.m. — about an hour and 15 minutes before the actual drawing.

What does 3 numbers pay on Powerball? ›

Powerball Winning Details* (Texas Winners Only)
Number CorrectPrize AmountTotal2 Prize w/Power Play
3 of 5$7$21
2 of 5 w/Powerball$7$21
1 of 5 w/Powerball$4$12
0 of 5 w/Powerball$4$12
6 more rows

Did anyone win Powerball on July 20, 2024? ›

Did anyone win Powerball drawing, Saturday, July 20, 2024? There was no grand prize winner, but there was a Match 5 plus Power Play winner worth $2 million in Tennessee and a Match 5 winner wroth $1 million in Arizona.

How much is the Powerball drawing? ›

A single Powerball ticket costs $2. Pay an additional $1 to add the Power Play for a chance to multiply all Powerball winnings except for the jackpot. Players can also add the Double Play for one more $1 to have a second chance at winning $10 million.

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Article information

Author: Greg O'Connell

Last Updated:

Views: 5756

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.