Home Remedies to Remove Scars Naturally | - Times of India (2024)

Here are some methods to do the same and certain pointers you need to keep in mind
1. To clear scars caused by accidents, roast turmeric powder (not packed turmeric available in markets but turmeric used on face) and mix it with desi ghee. Apply this gently on your scars with the help of your fingertips. Wash this off in about 20 minutes. This mixture completely clears scars but it is always good to ask your physician before starting off on any beauty regime.

2. Another homemade remedy to clear scars is by the use of baking soda, which is a natural exfoliator and aids in gently scraping the scar tissue layer by layer. Make a light paste using two parts of water and one part of baking soda. Scrub this gently on the scars for about a minute after which you can rinse it off. Make sure you avoid rubbing vigorously.
What to remember:

1. Apply vitamin E oil, you can extract it from a capsule and apply it on your scars before you hit the bed everyday. This is an effective method to fade out spots and scars.
2. Drink a lot of water. Keep a track that you eat healthy because this helps in removing the toxins from your body and in turn gives you a scar-free face.
3. Never use plain lemon juice on your face because it can harm the skin. Dilute lemon juice in water or rose water and then use it on your skin.
4. Wash your face at least twice a day if not more, using fresh cold water. This prevents the clogging of pores.
5. Use a good oil control face wash to help prevent excess oil secretion which leads to acne and scars.

Home Remedies to Remove Scars Naturally | - Times of India (2024)
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