Bad Spray Tans: How to Fix and Even Them Out | powered by L'Oréal (2024)

A spray tan is a great sunless tanning method if you’re looking to achieve glowier, more even skin fast without exposing yourself to the harmful rays of the sun. It instantly gives you a sun-kissed look — minus the UV damage — and can give you a boost of confidence before a big event. That is, unless you accidentally end up with a streaky, patchy or orange-hued spray tan. If this happens to you, even though it may be hard not to resist the urge, try not to panic.

Believe it or not, it’s surprisingly easy to fix a spray tan gone wrong using skincare products you likely already have. To find out how to correct an unfortunate spray tan at home, we spoke to Sophie Evans, St. Tropez skin finishing expert and celebrity self-tanner.

How to Fix a Spray Tan That Is Too Dark

A too-dark spray tan can end up looking orange, rather than naturally bronzey and sun-kissed. Fortunately, Evans says this is also easy to fix. “The fastest way to do this is by applying a true body oil, I like using baby oil or coconut oil,” she says. “Drench the skin in oil and leave on for about five to ten minutes before taking a warm shower with exfoliation. You will see your spray tan instantly drop a few shades.” Note: If you leave the oil on for any longer, “it will cause the color to lock in more and do the reverse of what we wanted to achieve.”

After letting the oil sit, it’s time to exfoliate in the shower. “Drenching your skin in body oil prior to showering will allow your skin to be more susceptible to exfoliation, as oils instantly plump the skin’s surface making exfoliation more effective and allowing you to remove the very top layer of the epidermis,” says Evans. “Use a gentle exfoliator, not a gritty, heavy scrub which can rip or tear at your tan.” It’s essential to exfoliate after about five minutes if you want to noticeably lighten your tan.

We love the Aesop Redemption Body Scrub, which will gently exfoliate and polish the skin with finely-milled pumice.

What to Do Before a Spray Tan for the Best Results

For the best results, you should start prepping for your spray tan a few days in advance of your appointment. “The best way to prepare your skin before your spray tan is to start exfoliating a few days out, with ideally your last exfoliation being eight hours before the actual spray tan,” says Evans. “This will give your skin the opportunity to be at its most neutral pH level. Sometimes exfoliating immediately before a spray tan can lower [your skin’s] pH level, which can achieve a slightly lighter depth of tan.” She notes that some tanning salons may also apply a pH-balancing product immediately before your spray tan to help transform your skin into the perfect canvas for an even sunless tan.

Another thing to keep in mind is when to wax or shave prior to your spray tan. As a general rule of thumb, waxing should be done at least a full day before your appointment. “When you’ve waxed, your hair pores are slightly open, so applying a spray tan shortly after can lead to darkened, spotty pores,” says Evans. “Always wait 24 hours [after waxing] for your hair pores to settle.” Meanwhile, since shaving is a gentle form of exfoliation, it should be fine to shave the morning of or the day after your spray tan.

Lastly, there are a few things you should avoid the day of your appointment. Skip applying thick creams or lotions, perfumes and oils for the day. It’s also important to remember to remove any deodorant or makeup right before your tan — the salon will likely provide cleansing wipes at your appointment and remind you of this step.

Bad Spray Tans: How to Fix and Even Them Out   | powered by L'Oréal (2024)
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